Maine's Exclusive Buyer Broker

					Oceanfront Real Estate Specialist. Exclusively Representing Real Estate Buyers 
					in Mid-Coast Maine
I've been a Maine real estate broker since 1987. In 1997 I decided to exclusively represent real estate buyers. I've always prefered representing buyers because I enjoy providing the services and information people need to discover and fulfill their real estate dreams. When I first started, almost everyone advised me that the only way to make a living in real estate was to list properties. However, on most days I'm delighted with the choice I've made and I know that I've helped a lot of people make good choices and wise purchase decisions.
When I first started work as an Exclusive Buyer's Broker I encounterd a lot of resistance from the real estate community and some of my first clients. But as Buyer Agency has become more commonplace, its clear that the old-fashioned way of practicing real estate must change to meet the needs of an educated buying public. Working with an Exclusive Buyer's Broker eliminates the inherent conflict-of-interest that's present when you work with a traditional real estate agent.

I believe that buying real estate is a serious financial and emotional transaction with far-reaching implications. Especially when you're moving to a new area where you don't really know the "lay of the land". After we've spent some time together, my clients come to understand how important it is to be certain that their broker's only obligation is to protect their interests. Over the years I've witnessed and appreciate all the complexities that surround a search to purchase property in Maine. And I've designed my specialized services to help people like you find and negotiate a fair market price for real estate anywhere on or near the coast of Maine.

Client Testimonials

Why Use a Buyers Broker

The Maine Attraction
Maine Weather

  • Maine's Internet Savvy Realtor
  • Mid-Coast Area Oceanfront Specialist
  • Top Sales Producer
  • Experienced Buyers Broker
  • Skilled Advisor and Negotiator
  • Great References from Satisfied Clients

Call us at 800-293-4416 with all your real estate questions


Maine's Oceanfront Real Estate Specialists
Exclusive Buyer's Brokers for Coastal Maine Properties